Providing timely, professional care using our promised values as our guiding principal.


Working within our communities, with our communities, for our communities.


Patient/family-centered care:

While the quality of care is uniform, care may be customized according to patient/family needs and values. We have the capabilities and responsibility to respond to individual choices, preferences and needs.


Being mindful of building a diverse and inclusive environment while showing compassion for everyone through our caring and intentional ways.


As a publicly funded organization we will remain accountable to the public, our patients and our stakeholders, acknowledging and assuming responsibility for where we have succeeded or failed in terms of our actions, decisions and results.


We guide our staff to uphold our written values and conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner.


Our word is our bond: we will honor commitments to our patients, colleagues and community by being honest, open, fair and transparent through our behaviors, attitude and treatment of others.


Patient, public and staff safety is a top priority: Paying close attention to procedural and operational systems, avoiding dangerous shortcuts and following policies and procedures, being open to and searching out new quality improvement initiatives to help prevent and mitigate errors.


We will conduct ourselves in a manner surpassing ordinary standards through preparation, collaboration and pro-activity, providing an outstanding experience for each patient we serve.


Why a feedback button?

  • As with any organization we want to be able to celebrate our successes and share commendations with our staff.
  • If you did not receive the care or service you felt you should have it is vitally important we know so we have the opportunity to investigate and improve where required.
  • At Wheatland EMS we take patient safety very seriously. In a culture of patient safety, everyone is encouraged to report and learn from patient safety incidents, including harmful, no-harm, near miss.
  • Did we uphold our “Values” while we cared for and interacted with you and your family?
  • We welcome any patient, family, public, or stakeholder input. If you have a great idea or suggestion to help us improve the service we are providing we want to know.
    With any feedback you are welcome to confidentially submit it here using the “Feedback Button”, by telephone, mail or by appointment with administration at our station.


196 Brent Blvd, Strathmore AB, T1P 1E8
